Our core values
Our vision is simple, "RETURN".
Our vision is clear, "we will advance the Good News of Jesus Christ by returning to the Lord".
There is no going forward without going back. We must return to God; to our friendship with Him and rekindle what life and time seem to snuff out. Isaiah 44:22 reads, "I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you."
The Gospel of Jesus Christ tells us that God so loved us, so absolutely burdened for us, and foolishly crazy for us, that He did whatever it took to capture, captivate, reveal, and give insight to His great love for us. It is a desperate plea for no more games, no more foolishness, come to me and rejoin me in relationship. Genesis 3:8 remembers a God who was so close to His creation that He could be heard, "walking in the garden in the cool of the day".
This same God has been working and striving ever since to bring us back to that place where we walk together once more.
Why a Spartan logo?
According to Greek historians, Spartans didn't believe in defensive walls. Rather when facing an enemy or anyone who questioned why they lacked fortification, they simply replied, while pointing to the Spartan soldiers, "These are Sparta's walls". When asked how far do your walls reach, they would simply reply by pointing out their spear and saying, "as far as this can reach".
This flies in the face of common sense and might even be a bit prideful.
However, I can’t help but think of the moment Jesus looks at Peter and in front of all the other disciples makes this statement, “Now I say to you that you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” (Matthew 16:18) It is as if Jesus looked at a human being and said, “The walls and gates of my church shall be flesh and blood not brick and mortar. I will place my spirit in them and they will be my church.” That’s crazy! Broken repentant sinners have become the walls of Jerusalem. They have become the soldiers of Heaven. Where are the walls of God’s Kingdom on earth? They are embodied in His saints! How far does the Church reach? As far as our sword of the spirit can reach!
Our Core Values
1. It's time for "return". (If insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, then it's time for something new.)
2. Be you. (Worry more about what God thinks about you, than others.)
3. No perfect people allowed. (We come as we are, not as we should be, for none of us are as we should be.)
4. Build bridges. (Christianity is relational and no wall should keep us from helping each other.)
5. Gods voice over all others. (At the end of the day, what God says is more important than anything else.)
6. Technology cannot replace the Holy Spirit. (While we love technology, it will never replace the presence of God.)
7. We will overcome rejection. (Even Jesus faced rejection. It's part of the DNA of Christianity.)
8. We will create community organically. (Friends and family "hang out"...it's just what they do.)
9. We will be transparent. (You may not like what you see or hear, but nothing will be hidden. Everything must be in the light.)