While we encourage you to continue to worship the Lord through your own personal walk through Acts 2:42, we know that direction is needed from time to time. These devotionals are small, but when applied have a deep impact upon our spiritual walk. Feel free to use this as a basis for Sunday mornings or for just daily devotions.
EPISODE 1: "Spiritual Insight"
Genesis 41 tells us the story of how Joseph's connection with God gifted him with spiritual insight. It was this insight that pushed all Egyptians to look upon him for leadership when troubled times came.
EPISODE 2: "Moved By Compassion"
While Matthew 9 reveals the heart of God when it comes to those who are alienated from everyone else, Leviticus reveals that the idea of quarantine isn't new, but has been around since the days of Moses.
EPISODE 3: "Picking The Crud"
Ephesians 4 reveals that your purpose is greater than you know and Mark 12 reveals that God sees you and there is a good chance He is using you as an example.
EPISODE 4: "Strong & Courageous"
We never expect the promises of God to be surrounded by hardship and difficulty. However, the Bible makes it clear that hardship produces perseverance, perseverance produce character, and character produces hope.
EPISODE 5: "The End Time Christian"
Peter declares that "the end of the world is coming", but he also leaves us with four specific commands for how to end time live; pray earnestly, love deeply, share generously, and serve faithfully. Let's talk...
EPISODE 6: "Leading = Growing"
Paul had harsh words for those who would sit and listen and yet never learn. What does that look like today and how do we deal with it?
EPISODE 7: "Easter Discoveries"
This week is Holy Week. Let's look into specifically all that happened today, as we prepare our hearts for Easter...and to remember what Jesus, the cross, and the resurrection.
EPISODE 8: "Comfort in Suffering"
Paul stated that as God comforts us in our suffering, that we are to pass the blessing of "comfort" onto others. In doing so, we become the comfort that God sent to the suffering.
EPISODE 9: "Fruit or Letters"
The measure of how we evaluate our lives, isn't done by others. It's done by others. What would people say about you? What is your reputation amongst your community?
EPISODE 10: "Listening Versus Hearing"
It might seem trivial, but there's actually a big difference between listening and hearing. The writer of Hebrews understood this. Let's talk about it...
EPISODE 11: "External Versus Internal"
The writer of Hebrews gives us a warning that we should be quicker to examine our own hearts before examining others.